Project Complete - Onager Dunecrawlers

Onager Dunecrawlers: Neutron Laser (left), Icarus Array (right)
My second post, and my first time posting a completed project. These two miniatures have been sitting on my desk in various stages of completion not long after I first moved to South Korea. I hadn't brought any miniatures with me, but one of my co-workers turned out to be a fellow 40K enthusiast, introduced me to Orc Town (probably your best bet for miniatures in this country), and bought me my first box of plastic crack as thanks for helping him move. At the time, Spring 2015, the Skitarii had recently been released, and I was really drawn to the aesthetic of the hooded cyborgs so I ended up with a box of Rangers/Vanguard (I may post some pictures of these in the future). As most hobbyists are wont to do, I ended up buying more than I could reasonably paint, which included these.

These Onager Dunecrawlers are my first real attempt at painting a larger model (not including some Raiders in the past) so it was an interesting attempt to transition from painting single characters with a lot of tiny details to something that had these large flat panels. I've seen a lot of people use airbrushes to great effect, but I suppose I'm somewhat of a traditionalist, and opted to hand paint it. Personally, I also enjoy seeing the brushstrokes. Finding an appropriate way of catching the reflection of light was tricky, and there is probably some inconsistency, as I painted this sporadically over the years (I'd often get bored and paint a character or play a game).  It's also been delayed by my improvements in using NMM, and my preference for the colour being used for the lights/weapons (blue to green to back to blue). One thing I'm considering for future models, is how much time and effort I will put into the NMM of the body since I did considerable weathering which covered up a not insignificant amount of work. Anyhow, I'm just glad to have finally completed these two models and lessen the clutter on my desk.

Neutron Laser

Icarus Array
