Game Complete - The Legend of Zelda: A Link Between Worlds

Started: Feb 9th
Completed: Feb 12th

So, after three nights of play, I've completed A Link Between Worlds. It was a very fun ride, and hit a lot of nostalgic points. This post comes a little late because I wanted to document things myself when I write, so I installed Luma onto my 3DS. The only reason I needed it was so I could screenshot my games (unfortunately, ever since Miiverse got shut down, there hasn't been a legitimate way to do so), but it also came with a few bonuses - clocking the CPU higher for better & more consistent frame rates, removing the region restrictions (so now I can fire up the remakes of Dragon Quest Monsters and Dragon Quest Monsters 2 I purchased last year), and custom themes (the eShop was woefully inadequate).

The final boss, Yuga Ganon Yuganon
So, the final boss, Yuganon, was a bit of a pushover. The fight was a mixture of Agahnim spell reflection and Ganon's trident hurling from the original, which I suppose is befitting since he's basically a mixture of the two. It could be said that nearly all of the bosses were rather easy relative to the ones from A Link to the Past. Most of them would require the themed tool from their respective dungeon, and then a liberal bashing of the B button. I guess this might be a result of the open-ended approach to game progression, where they had to consider that any of the dungeons could be the first one you're tackling. That aside, the dungeons were all a treat to complete, and there were times where I had to scratch my head for a minute to figure out the next step.

I don't know why it took me so long to make this realization. It wasn't until the end, when Ravio reveals himself, that I realized that it was a reference to the Link's alternate form in the Dark World in the original.

The plot itself was okay, although the twist was a bit obvious (I had guessed it pretty early on), and the ending wasn't anything to write home about.

But I don't think the story has ever been that strong of a point in Zelda (although my experience is limited to A Link to the Past, Majora's Mask, and this one), as much as it has been about the gameplay and puzzles.

The Triforce granting a wish.

All in all, I really enjoyed this game. Definitely worth the $20.

End results of my playthrough.


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